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Addison Williams: Your Number One Choice for Senator

Today is a new day. Welcome to the official site of Addison Williams, your source of information including my platform, my main issue, my campaign plan and so much more. Please feel free to browse the website, where you will find all you need to know surrounding Addison Williams and my political approach.

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My Platform

Party: Democratic

Wages: We should raise incomes

Taxes: We should increase taxes, especially on the rich, in order to help our economy

Rights: I am an activist for rights for immigrants, women, the LGBTQ community, and people with disabilities

Environment: we should work towards a cleaner planet

Education: We should help people graduate college debt free

Healthcare: We should provide healthcare or those who cannot afford it

Abortion: We should give women the choice to choose whether they would like to have an abortion and if they would like to have birth control.

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Gun Control

I believe that guns play an important role in politics today. Taking guns away would be unconstitutional, but in order to keep people safe, we should have extensive background checks for anyone looking to buy a gun. Another solution is to increase the age limit for buying guns to 21 for both handguns and long guns. Lastly, I believe that teachers should not have guns for two reasons:
1) If the teacher ends up killing the shooter, they will go to jail, so it is safer for the teacher in the long run
2) A teacher having a gun may make a student uncomfortable in the classroom, and that is the last thing a school would want

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Below are my poster and my brochure! Feel free to check them out.

political rally
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politician news interview

I have a PSA for a disaster situation and a Google Slides on PACs and Super PACs that will support me below.

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